Unsync Button Request Type and RX ID Patient Information Drug Information Prescriber Information Prescription Information Attachments Drug Field Notes

PrescribeIT® Intake Window Overview

When processing a New Rx Request sent through PrescribeIT®, it is processed through the Intake window.

  • The prescription sent from the prescriber through PrescribeIT® is automatically displayed in the left panel.

  • The Patient, Prescriber and Drug are automatically entered based on the information in the transaction.

    Propel Rx may prompt you to search for and select a Patient, Prescriber or Drug, if required.

  • Qty, Qty AuthSIG and Days Supply must be manually entered and are not automatically populated.

To learn more about the PrescribeIT® features in the Intake window, select the expander icons More in the image below.

For more general information about the Intake window, see Intake Window Overview.


Related Topics

Processing a New Rx Request

CCDD Mapping

Intake Window Overview